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Principal's Message


Garwood Families, 


We hope you had a wonderful summer! We are so excited to welcome you and your students back to another great school year at Garwood Elementary. 


We are grateful to be in-person again this school year! Regular school hours have been restored as well as Specials classes for students. We are excited to introduce some new special classes as well as some amazing new teachers who have joined our team! 


Throughout the pandemic last year, we all learned a lot about how to adapt and adjust to what seemed to be ever changing circumstances. Throughout it all, the importance of family and belonging was reinforced. At Garwood we believe the environment matters to the success of our students. We work hard to make sure that all students find belonging, connection and opportunity here. Again, we are prepared to support students and families so that all students have a positive and rich learning experience at school. We’re excited to greet students with smiling faces and ready hearts!


One way that we support our students is by building community. Families will again have the opportunity to be involved in school events and be able to stay current on what students are learning in class. It’s with your support that students are able to succeed and our school is able to remain great. We value you as a partner in your child’s education and, as always, rely on your support to set a positive tone for the school year. 


We value being able to start the year on the same page as far as expectations for students. Thank you for reading through our handbook with your students prior to the start of the school year. 




Jake Massey, Principal




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